Geocaching and Movies and Steaks, Oh My!
Today is International Geocaching Day so Southern Man got an early start and headed to a small city about half an hour east of here and worked down a list of caches he'd put together yesterday. Or tried to, anyway - Southern State finally got rain and it came down in classic Southern State style (which is to say, not gently) so he didn't find very many and got pretty wet and dirty in the attempt, to the point where it almost wasn't fun any more. Almost.
The trail led him to the Central Southern State Geocachers pot-luck in a little park in aforementioned small city.
This was Southern Man's second meeting with local cachers so he knew a few of the attendees and met many more.
Cachers In The Storm
One of the hosts had set out a bunch of new caches for the event so after the pot-luck Southern Man went after one (meeting some other cachers there) and we had a good time looking for it.
Then it was back to Southern City to meet with the guys in the church singles group for a movie (The Expendables 2) and then to another member's house (contributed by one of the ladies, as none of us have decent houses) to grill steaks. We had a good time grilling and eating and conversing together. They're a good bunch of guys and Southern Man appreciates them all. And then pretty much exhausted by the day's fun he headed home to hit the pillow early.
The trail led him to the Central Southern State Geocachers pot-luck in a little park in aforementioned small city.
One of the hosts had set out a bunch of new caches for the event so after the pot-luck Southern Man went after one (meeting some other cachers there) and we had a good time looking for it.
Then it was back to Southern City to meet with the guys in the church singles group for a movie (The Expendables 2) and then to another member's house (contributed by one of the ladies, as none of us have decent houses) to grill steaks. We had a good time grilling and eating and conversing together. They're a good bunch of guys and Southern Man appreciates them all. And then pretty much exhausted by the day's fun he headed home to hit the pillow early.
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