Land Work Day 5
Repeated applications of the mop have got that concrete floor to where it's actually almost clean. Southern Man's schedule all week has been to wake up in The Trailer, have breakfast, work 'till noon or so, come back into town for a shower and wash clothes and clean up whatever needs to be cleaned and run whatever errands need to be run, load up The Titan with more stuff (the rule is, don't drive out to The Land without taking something large) and a few buckets of clean water (yes, water must be trucked out to The Land), work a few hours in the evening, and then relax for a bit.
Since The Trailer is quite small the plan is to convert a portion of The Barn into a standard garage-conversion man cave. Now that the concrete floor is almost clean Southern Man moved a bookcase and the stereo cabinet and stereo gear out tonight; the futon is already there. It's still a little dusty so there will be one more pass with the mop before it all gets set up. And then a relaxing few hours in The Trailer with beer and popcorn and a movie before retiring to bed!
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