New Years Eve
After a lazy morning (neither of us were up at a single-digit hour) Southern Man ran a few errands and did a little shopping, then headed out to an industrial park northeast of the city for a truckload of pallets found on Craigslist, that cornucopia of free stuff. There was a big undeveloped field nearby with three geocaches hidden within so Southern Man spent a pleasant hour stomping through the brush and scrub pines to find them, then delivered the truckload of booty out to The Land and fooled around out their for a while, then headed back to La Casa for dinner and videos with Teen Daughter as we prepared for the evening's festivities at the ancestral manor.
Southern Man noticed that a couple of brand-new caches popped up on his map right on the route from La Casa to the manor so we tried for them on the way out. Southern Man held the flashlight while Teen Daughter braved the cold and wind and climbed a tree for her very first geocache and Southern Man's very first "FTF" or "First To Find." She kept the dollar coin left as a prize and we then went on to Southern Parents' home for snacks and puzzles and good clean family fun.
Thank you Southern Man for posting pics. I am writing a paper on people who follow blogs. FYI...most readers enjoy personal pics that the blogger chooses to share. It is sorta like sitting on your front stoop and watching the neighborhood live its life. I find it soooo interesting.
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