Southern Man

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Holiday Weekend Day 3

Since Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, that's mostly what we did. Daughter went to Sunday School and Children's Church (where they played the traditional Children's Church game of "Mafia") and we hit the store for a few supplies and then chilled at home for much of the afternoon. Then teen daughter returned after a week's absence (she has been house-sitting for vacationing relatives and now swears that she will never, ever have dogs and cats) and as she had a fistful of food-freebie coupons we went out for cheap Mexican food (Taco Bell) and ice cream (Freddies) - the coupons all made reference to "congratulations graduate" and such but when it comes to free food Southern Man is without shame - then hit the pool for the rest of the afternoon. Now we're settled down, puttering about and watching Titanic on AMC and nursing our (mild) sunburns acquired over the past few days.


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