Family Reunion Day 0
Much of Southern Father's clan will be gathered in his hometown this weekend for a brief family reunion so Southern Man and teen daughter got on the road mid-morning and headed for the pine woods of East Texas. One would think that having a teen passenger would mean that one would not have to to much driving but one would be mistaken; she napped most of the way down and ignored a number of both subtle and not-so-subtle hints to take the wheel. After all, we only got a few hours of sleep after HP7 last night / early this morning.
Seven hours later we arrived at the hotel and met up with Mom and Dad and twelve-year-old daughter (who rode with them) and Sister and Sister's SO and adopted nephew and wasted no time investigating the hotel pool and whirlpool. Southern Man would spend a fair amount of time in that whirlpool over the weekend. Then after a family meal at a nearby IHOP Southern Man pulled up a few nearby geocaches on the iPad and he and the young 'uns went after them.

The first cache was in the IHOP parking lot; Agent K quickly spotted the likely location and coached her cousin (who adopted the caching name LauraCroft) to his first find. The second was tougher and Southern Man was ready to give up and head back to the whirlpool but she refused to do so and eventually made the second find. She is really pretty good at this.
We then headed back to the hotel and spent a few hours swimming and playing Quiddler and then finally hit the sack for a much needed full night's sleep.
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