Supercomputing Conference Day 2
We are now in full Learn MPI mode so the morning was devoted to lecture on how to parallelize a large problem (by the dymanic and always entertaining HN) and the afternoon was spent actually doing it. Teen Daughter the Elder sent a text asking "What are you doing?" The answer would be "Simulating galaxy formation on a supercomputer. And eating ice cream."
After dinner we gathered with the LittleFe gurus to rebuild our LittleFe, which has had lots of problems with connectivity but which they promise will all be amended by the latest release of BCCD.
Are you drinking choco milk at this conference of yours?
Of course I am. I've bought chocolate milk at the convenience store across the street, and there's part of a half-gallon in my hotel 'fridge. Chocolate milk!
So that is what the gods of supercomputing look like. I'm so disappointed.
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