Southern Man

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Return of the Hyundai

After a record-breaking twenty-three days at the dealership (mostly waiting on insurance adjusters and faxes and approvals and such) Southern Man finally has his little commuter car back. The dire predictions of the service manager did not come to pass; very little work was actually required. Southern Man declined all of the labor-intensive cleaning (he has more time than money and will do that work himself) and actually ended up covering all of the actual expense with the insurance check. And while it was fun to drive the pickup for three weeks, it did pretty much exhaust the gasoline budget for the next two months.

2007 Nissan Titan

X Fun to Drive
X Hauls Lots Of Stuff
O Great Gas Mileage

2008 Hyundai Accent

X Fun To Drive
O Hauls Lots Of Stuff
X Great Gas Mileage

Disclamer: Actual vehicles may differ in appearance from those pictured.

[Added later] And lest readers think that Southern Man must be really in the money to have two shiny new toys like these, let him remind readers that they replace the '91 Explorer on which he put a quarter-million miles over fifteen years. And, yes, that Explorer is still sitting behind The Barn while Southern Man decides whether or not to find a trannie for it or just send it to the scrapper or give it away on Craigslist.

You Know You're Southern If: Every vehicle you've ever owned is on cinderblocks out in the back yard. Well, Southern Man isn't quite that bad but here's a link to an old post listing Cars Southern Man Has Loved. But another: You Know Your Southern If: You're mowing the back forty and find a vehicle you forgot you owned has actually happened to relatives of his. More than once.


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