Southern Man

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Graduation and Party!

Today Southern Man (who long-time readers may recall is "employed" in higher education) is contractually obligated to a long day of commencement activities - baccalaureate at nine, undergraduate ceremony at eleven, graduate ceremony at three... and what should prove to be a hell of a going-away party that evening, at the home of a colleague who is taking a position in North Dakota, of all places. So Southern Man came prepared with all of the ingredients and equipment for his magnificent (and now legendary) 'ritas (recipe here) and some kebabs for the grill.

The daytime activities were, as always, a crashing bore. Southern Man has yet to see a really good graduation prank at this university; they were an annual staple at his previous employer. But we are required to look sharp and pay attention for the sake of all those parents who payed six figures to send their precious snowflakes to our fine university and may well be on campus for the very first time to see them graduate. And the party that evening was terrific - plenty of food, plenty of drink, plenty of great conversation. Although Southern Man did get a little tipsy and may (or may not) have made a complete fool of himself. Not to worry, though - he is always careful to wait until he is only mildly impaired before attempting the hour-long trek back to Casa Southern Man. His only regret is that tonight will in all probability be the last party at this particular colleague's house. She's hosted many fine ones and Southern Man wishes her the best at her new job.


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