Southern Man

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Top Rated Comments

Southern Man has a new hobby, and that is to venture opinions that garner enough attention to rise to the "Top Rated Comments" block of Instapundit. They will be added to this post as they occur. Note - these are all screen shots so don't try to click on the "links."

Well that was a lot of fun but Instapundit changed commenting systems some time in May and "top comments" are no longer a thing so this post is now officially retired.

Sunday, June 01, 2014


The blog began as therapy. Now with all the changes in Southern Man's life it's become more work than anything else and no one reads it anyway. The blog will no longer be updated, at least not on any kind of regular basis, until Southern Man decides to play with it some more. Thanks for visiting!

Spanish Inquisition Day 15

Breakfast - off to the airport - fly home.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Spanish Inquisition Day 14

Long bus ride from Seville to Madrid - long walk to clear my head and pick up a few caches - not much more to say right now.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Spanish Inquisition Day 13

Today the bus ride was relatively brief - fifteen km or so out of town (but on a city bus that made many stops) to Itálica, a second-century Roman outpost that was left high and dry when the Guadalquivir River shifted its course due to silation after the removal of forest cover. Without a water supply the city was abandoned and no new settlement was constructed, leaving a remarkably well-preserved site.

Danni and Professor Ginnet are dwarfed by the amphitheater.

Travel bug "Little Roswell" surveys the amphitheater from on high.

And why was Little Roswell out and about? Oh, checking on a geocache at the site? Of course he was.

Danni signs the log.

Southern Man and Danni man the chariot.

The trip is winding down and Southern Man still has a big bag of travel bugs because almost all of the caches he's found are small so after we got back to the hostel he hiked a mile across the river to the largest cache he could find on the map and was able to leave four of the small ones there and got back just in time for dinner.

Our last feast together!

Tonight we pack and tomorrow morning we catch an early bus to Madrid for our last full day in Spain!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spanish Inquisition Day 12

Today we (again) took a two-hour bus ride to (again) go to the beach. This time it was the island resort of Cádiz.

Geocaches? In Cádiz? Why, yes. Yes there are.

Old Cádiz (like Old Madrid and Old Córdoba and Old Granada and Old Seville) is a maze of twisty passages, all alike...

Southern Man used the phrase "¿Dónde estamos en este mapa?" a lot today.

Southern Man spent a fair amount of time walking the beaches and admiring what he regards as the most beautiful of God's handiwork. Of course he didn't stare - that would be rude. He did glance a lot, though.

Baby Roswell and Norma at a cache right off the beach.

There were a couple of absolutely fantastic old trees near the spot where we met.

As the appointed time for departure approached we began to gather...

The group (again) plays a little beach volleyball.

Once back home Southern Man was nearing the hostel when he stumbled across a charity festival where delicious freshly-grilled meat and beer could be had!


Working the grill.

A delicious dinner.

Southern Man took his meal to the hostel and ate it and showered and updated the blog and is now plotting a day trip. We went by the bus station after we returned but they were already closed so it'll be a matter of showing up in the morning and hoping for the best...