I Will Not Be Silent
You've all heard the meme: They came for the whatever, and I said nothing.
I have been silent for too long. I've been silent because I work in a field where my views are not welcome and I needed my job. I've been silent because I fear the power of the mightiest government ever known. I've been silent for fear of offending those around me. I've been silent because it's safer to be silent than to speak up.
I will no longer be silent.
I will not be silent because Bengazi.

I will not be silent because Fast and Furious.

I will not be silent because IRS auditing based on political affiliation.

It irks me to no end that any one of the above under a Republican president would have the entire MSM screaming for impeachment. But with a black Democrat in the big chair? Crickets.
I will not be silent while the government illegally spies on its own citizens.

I will not be silent when a rodeo clown cannot mock the King.

I will not be silent when the government nationalizes a seventh of the economy and put my health care in the hands of government bureaucrats, and then exempts themselves from its requirements.

I will note be silent when a historic US flag is denounced as a symbol of terrorism.

I will not be silent while the greatest governing document in the history of civilization is dismissed as obsolete and irrelevant.

I will not be silent while any reasoned argument or protest against our government's policies is denounced as rascism or extremism.
I will not be silent while those who claim to speak for me - including the worst political class and the worst journalistic class in the history of our nation - are openly ashamed of my country.
I will not be silent while the government continues to destroy what was once the greatest educational system in the world.
I will not be silent while the government continues to destroy what was once the most productive economy in the world.
I will not be silent while the government continues to run up trillions of dollars in debt that can never be repaid.
I will not be silent while the government continues to erode our essential liberties in the name of security.

I will not be silent while an increasingly-militarized police force can sieze your property and keep it without ever charging you with a crime.
I will not be silent while the government regulates with whom consenting adults can associate, what they do their own bedrooms, or what they grow in their own back yard.
I will not be silent while the government continues to attack those who hold that free enterprise and hard work are the keys to wealth.

I will not be silent while political correctness is more important than truth.
I will not be silent while my choice of worship is publicly denounced as "religious extremism" while actual extremists are celebrated.

I will not be silent while the wholesale murder of unborn children remains the law of the land.
I will not be silent while fewer and fewer do the work and pay the taxes, and more and more grab all the handouts.

I will not be silent while we have the most corrupt and fraud-prone voting system in the free world.

I will not be silent because it's my business to decide when I've made enough money.
I will not be silent because I did build that.
I will not be silent because I have children and may one day have grandchildren and I want them to grow up in a great country.

Inspired by this post by Sarah Hoyt.
brought to you by the demonrats and weak knee'd republicans...gee thanks.
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