Southern Cousins at the Ancestral Manor
Lunch with area geocachers
Southern Father hard at "work."
At a singles dance. Sadly, Southern Man has not yet mastered the new camera to the point that the low-light dance-floor pics came out. Too bad, as many of them were pretty funny. And by "not mastered the new camera" he means he leaves it in full auto mode and ignores the rest of the settings.
Also, Southern Man has learned how over-ride Blogger's default photo-size settings so he will be going through the blog and up-sizing photos as time and interest permits. It sure beats working!
Southern do not seem to be the introvert you once claimed to be. What happened?
I am still quite reserved and even introverted I but fight it with a simple rule: given the choice between staying in and going out, I go out. Since there was a church sponsored dance that a lot of my friends would attend, I went, and had a great time.
I have known several college faculty who claim to be introverts. But, why did they choose such a profession? I am wondering, S.M., if these personality profiles are giving you the right picture? Most particularly, they ask you if you feel more relaxed alone or in a group (more or less). It could be that right now you feel more relaxed alone because you have such a person-to-person intensive profession. If your profession were more solitary for a while, would your personality test give different results? G. P.
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