BBQ and Geocaching
Today was the monthly meeting of the local area geocachers.
We had reserved a pretty good sized room at a local BBQ place but quickly overflowed into the main dining hall. There were about sixty present. The group is growing!
This Girl Scout troop earned their Geocaching badges and sold lots of cookies.

As always there were introductions and give-aways and news about future caching events and - door prizes!
After the meet Southern Man picked up several caches in the area, then met up with a friend and went out caching again until the cold and rain drove us back indoors for pizza and beer and Star Trek: The Next Generation reruns. Including a favorite two-parter that Southern Man hadn't watched in years.

Geocaching is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
The geocaching event pics were taken with the brand new FinePix S4200, fresh in from Amazon Prime (sixty bucks a year for free two-day shipping to The Land is a bargain, and the postal carrier even brings my packages all the way back to The Trailer and tucks them under the steps!) is one of the great blessings of Southern Man's life.

This is a much better camera than Southern Man is a photographer. He's still wading through the manual and may someday figure this thing out well enough to take decent photos with it.
So in all a full and fun day. Lord, thank you for friends. Amen.
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