Flight Of The QuadroCopters
Through the generosity of The Dean we have three new toys: Parrot AR.Drone quadrocopters, which will be used for recruitment. The Dean issued a challenge: a hundred bucks to the first to fly. So while Southern Man was teaching his Friday morning lab the Finance Department rose to the challenge...

Southern Man was not far behind: after lab he broke his out and got it up in the air as well.
A little video from the 'copter of a few of Southern Man's programming lab students.

Sadly Southern Man managed to break a gear on his during a later flight so replacement parts are on order. Quadrocopters are fun!
Just saw Atlas Shrugged II. Have you? What did you think? Might it have an impact on our elections next month?
I'm going this weekend. What did you think?
GREAT movie. Going again to glean. Worthy of a group discussion if people will just leave their political bias out of it.
Saw it over the weekend. Good movie, a fairly faithful adaptation of the central third of the novel, which means it has the same strengths and weaknesses. I love it that the Rotten Tomatoes ratings are 0% from critics, 88% from viewers.
To change the subject...
Did the little helicopters attract any prospective students?
Girl Programmer
GP, the Deans are excited about the quadrocopters and love for us to show them off, so I'm excited too, for their sake. It's actually kind of a win-win: a fun toy that the Deans like too.
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