Spring Break Day 8
After sleeping in this morning much of today was spent engaged in twelve-year-old daughter's favorite activity.

We hit a number of stores (where Southern Man made a rare purchase for himself, picking up the Hunger Games trilogy in hardback), pestered Teen Daughter at her workplace, and finally ended up at Academy where twelve-year-old daughter spent her accumulated allowance (plus next months) on a new set of Heelys as she's long outgrown her older set.
Twelve-year-old daughter again made lasagna from scratch but we didn't have bread so we walked a mile up the road to a grocer to break in the new shoes. It was great fun and a good workout and we got back with the bread just in time to take the lasagna out of the oven and feast on lasagna and hot bread and salad.
Eldest son had invited us to see his new trailer so we went out there in the late evening after he got off work.
By then it was close to midnight so we went home and collapsed into bed after a good day together.
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