Spring Break Day 3
Southern Man got an early start, picking up a couple of geocaches and then heading out to The Land to tackle his endless list of chores there. Which got reshuffled a bit when the neighbor's wife came over and complained about an unsightly woodpile. For cryin' out loud, it's in my back yard a hundred feet from the property line. So Southern Man was not in a particularly good mood after that. But Sunday Evening means Family Dinner!
On arrival we found Southern Youngest Nephew in the gazebo with a pretty little snake.
Instead of the usual pizza we had takeout from a favorite BBQ place - chicken, brisket, brats, corn, potatoes - plus the usual home-made salad and dessert. And then the games began...

Dominos (we play a variant called Wagon Train) ran long and late tonight! The competition was fierce and the top finishers were only a few points apart. Why, yes, Southern Man was among them. Southern Man and Southern Daughter got home at elevenish where Southern Man pouted at the long-range weather forecast (rain, rain, and more rain) and retired to bed to ponder tomorrow's options.
Good photo of daughter. Who does she look like, you or her mom? Very pretty young lady!
Thankfully her looks come from her beautiful mother and both beautiful grandmothers, not me. Sadly, she has a healthy dose of my personality.
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