Spring Break Day 7
The first full day with twelve-year-old daughter was a busy one! By mid-morning she was itching to see Southern Parents so we headed to the Ancestral Manor. An old family friend was there so Southern Man and Southern Father and Family Friend sat at the kitchen table for a good hour talking. Then after heading back to La Casa (snagging the obligatory geocache along the way) Southern Man took advantage of an unexpectedly free afternoon and ran several errands, including dropping by the office for a bit. Apparently the entire CS faculty is collectively unable to grasp the concept of "Spring Break" as we were all there for a bit. Dressed in jeans and with family in tow for the most part, but still...
The evening's main event was the Spring birthday celebration at Outback.
Twelve-year-old daughter and a cousin got an invite to Youngest Cousin's home for the evening...
Southern Man picked up the two young ones at ten, dropped his nephew off at Southern Sisters, and then he and Twelve-Year-Old Daughter headed out to the next main event, which was the midnight premier of The Hunger Games. The big twenty-four-plex was running the film on every screen so you can imagine the crowds, but this also meant that Southern Man could waltz in at eleven (as opposed to waiting in the day-long lines with the rest of the fans), get tickets and snacks while Twelve-Year-Old daughter snagged our favorite seats, and be settled in well before the previews rolled. We got home at three-ish.
Is that your Southern Brother with the toy on his head? He is handsome. You have a good looking family. Family is so important on all levels.
LOL, that's the hubby of my, let's see here, first cousin once removed - she's twelve years my junior and still beautiful - and their daughter, my second cousin.
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