Crosshairs and Bullseyes
Southern Man has nothing against the use of military terminology in poltiical campaings. The very word "campaign" is rooted in military jargon. That said, given the blathering from the Left on this issue, let's review some recent use of such from these hypocrites.
The Washington Examiner has a good run-down of CNN's recent history of such in this post.
But they forgot this one:
Crossfire aired from 1982 to 2005, which sadly eliminated the possibility of a debate on the current use of crosshairs on Crossfire.
The infamous Palin crosshairs map has recieved much attention. More, at any rate, than this one, from the Democratic Leadership Council website: Look at all those bulls-eyes around Arizona. The place is practically in the middle of a war zone.
Oh, but that's so 2004, you say. Here's one from less than a year ago, courtesy of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee:
Every bulls-eye targets an individual Republican, by name. Isn't that sweet? But the Dems also target their own from time to time:
Courtesy of that veritable fount of reasonable discourse, the Daily Kos, home of the infamous "Gifford is dead to me" diary.
Or was, 'till they scrubbed it. Fortunately, the 'net has a long memory.
Back in the '60s, William F. Buckley famously stated that right-wing extremist groups had "no place at the table" of the modern conservative movement. Sure, the John Birch Society (directly referenced by Buckley at the time) and the extremist-patriot and the conspiracy-is-everywhere crowd are still around, but they're condemned to the fringe and have no real influence on conservatism or libertarianism today. On the other hand, the Democrats are pretty much owned by their extremists. Sometimes it really shows.
Sources: these images can be found on any number of sites, and Southern Man pretty much lost track of where these particular images were taken. But all of the maps, with commentary, are on this post at Verum Serum.
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