Southern Man

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Busy Day, Quiet Evening

It is Southern Man's weekend with ten-year-old daughter, which is always a lot of fun. And this weekend he was blessed by a rare appearance by seventeen-year-old daughter as well and the three of us had a nice meal at a local eatery. It blew the month's grocery budget but was well worth it. After taking older daughter home the two of us did some shopping (she got her hair cut and purchased a Selina Gomez CD - she's blown her allowance on far worse - and we spent an evening watching movies at home. And this morning we started out hitting a couple of stores (for an Easter basket and a set of headphones) and then went to a big Easter Egg hunt (thus the basket purchase) and then (as per her request earlier in the week) made a big loop 'way out northwest and did some geocaching. We lunched at a small-town bar reknown for fine fried okra and chicken, then worked our way back home. And now she's made brownies for tomorrow's Easter feast with Southern Man's folks and is in her PJs prancing about to her new CD with an old portable player Southern Man dug out (thus the headphone purchase). The dishwasher and clothes washer are both chugging away (for some reason the sound of labor-saving devices at work gives Southern Man an odd sense of domestic tranquility) and there's banana bread in the oven and all of the various problems that plague Southern Man's life are far, far away.

Ten-year-old daughter at the Easter Egg hunt with the new best friend (also ten) who shares her name. To further this cosmic coinsidence, her dad has the same name as Southern Man. No, not "Southern Man." That would be too strange.


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