Southern Man

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Here We Go 'Round The Mulberry Tree

Bush? Nope. This thing passed "bush" a long, long time ago.

Anyway, there is this huge (and I do mean huge) mulberry by Casa Southern Man and the landlord's crew came by and reduced it to a not quite so huge mulberry tree, leaving a small mountain of former mulberry tree at the bottom of the driveway for the city crew to pick up tomorrow.

Now, Casa Southern Man has a fireplace, and Southern Man had already put in a winter's supply of firewood. Or so he thought. Turns out that teen son thinks fire is kinda neat and has lit one pretty much every cool evening for the last few weeks. Now this is quite nice - a fire makes the living room all warm and cozy and Southern Man still remembers the pleasure of coming home that first evening to be greeted by a cheery blaze - but it has made serious inroads into the wood supply. So naturally when Southern Man saw all that tree his first thoughts were of an incendiary nature.

So Southern Man cut by his workshop last night and retrieved the necessary tools and spent a most enjoyable afternoon with hatchet, axe, and chainsaw and now there is plenty of wood in the woodpile. Sure, it's mostly green mulberry but that's a step up from what was there, which was the remnants of someone's old stockade fence.


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