Daughter Weekend Day 2
After a morning run to the chiropractor Southern Man and tween daughter just relaxed around The Casa, snacking and watching movies and generally just fooling around. The real entertainment had been reserved for that afternoon where we met Southern Sister and her adopted son (who we call "cousin") for a few hours of rock climbing (an activity that daughter had been begging to repeat for some time).

The rock-climbing gym is downtown at an old grain mill which provides some spectacular climbs both inside and out and tween daughter took several all the way to the top. We elders were content to stay on the ground and belay and let the young 'uns have all the fun.

While we were there we got an update on teen daughter - ill but not strep throat (as she had earlier feared) and enjoying the tender care of Southern Parents for another day. Then Southern Sister kidnapped tween daughter for the rest of the evening and said she wouldn't be returned before lunchtime on Saturday so Southern Man came home to eat and drink and play freecell and blog and contemplate a run out to The Land for the night and pray for a decent night's sleep tonight.
you never speak of Southern Sister's husband. Is she widowed or divorced? Or do the two of you not get along? Family relationships...that would be something I would really like to read on your blog. Both my parents are dead (decades now)and I have no siblings. Cousins are few and far between. I have never had a spouse or kid (at least to my knowledge). Blogging about your family would be nice for people like me.
Southern Sister was briefly married (no children) then entered a long-term lesbian relationship. Their adopted child (and it's only sort of adopted for Southern Sister as our state doesn't yet recognize same-sex marriage) is the partner's nephew. Said nephew's mom was a substance abuser and so he has a lot of special needs. We all adore him and he and my daughter are as tight as can be.
How do Southern Parents cope with Southern Sister and her friend? How do you? You seem to do a lot of things together as I see from your posts. How are family functions (like Holidays)? Is everyone in your family accepting the relationship? I do not know any homosexuals personally. But then again someone's sexual urges do not define them as a person so maybe I do but do not know it. Does that make sense? I really hadn't thought about it until now.
There have been some bumps in the road. But holidays are a blast - we're ALL at my folks for Christmas (my siblings and I set a tradition long ago to gather at my folks Christmas Eve and scatter to the other side of the family the next day) and as many of us as can gather semi-monthly for birthday celebrations. Oddly, the two of us who are the most openly conservative are the most accepting to Sister's relationship. This REALLY messes with her head.
She knows there is a difference in loving her and hating the lifestyle doesn't she? I would love my sister or brother no matter what they do, but not love any sinful behavior they may have chosen to do. I hope she does not see this as compromising the integrity of GOD's WORD. Or does she care. I have seen your posting that you are a Nazarene. Sorry, but I had to look that up. Were all of you raised in a Nazarene church? Your tween daughter can reach the special needs kiddo far better than an adult. Good for her!!!
Oh, yes, born and raised Nazarene; went to a Nazarene private college and taught at one for fourteen years. But enough of a Sunday-School heretic (mainly by holding fast to the plain and clear words of Christ) that they refer to me as kind of a "free range" Nazarene.
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