Weekend Update
The big event on Valentine's Day was that The Huyndai turned 100,000.

Southern Man's first car, a '64 Mercury, was old at a hundred thousand; The Hyundai is nicely broken in.
On Saturday Southern Man wandered out to the Ancestral Manor to help Southern Father erect the scaffolding...

...and to do laundry...

...and to pick up a fifty-year-old table saw motor that needs a rebuild so that Southern Father can get back to build birdhouses.
On Sunday Southern Man got out early to tackle a rural geocache before church. He encountered a deep gully and was pondering how to cross it when he noticed...

...a concrete bridge. In the middle of nowhere.
And then after church and lunch with the gang Southern Man went to a gun show "just to look around" and almost - almost - walked out with a Glock 26 that he didn't need but probably would have bought anyway if there hadn't been a stack of medical bills at home.

This was the first warm weekend in quite a while and Southern Man enjoyed his time outside. May there be many more!
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