Countdown To Christmas 5
Southern Man finished his grading over the weekend and turned everything in today so it is now officially Christmas Break! The dress shirts and slacks are at the dry cleaners and the ties have been hung on the tie rack with care, not to be disturbed until 2012. And no alarm clock for two weeks!
Teen Daughter flew in Friday evening and was so excited to be back that she chattered nonstop all the way home. But Southern Man hasn't seen much of her since as all of her friends here miss her as well and have dragged her away at every opportunity. The only sour note was that when at a party that night someone got into the closet where all the girls had put their purses and stole all their cash and phones so teen daughter is out nearly two hundred bucks (painful) and her iPhone (very painful). There is a special place in hell for thieves like that and Southern Man hope he roasts for eternity. How's that for holiday spirit?
Twelve-year-old daughter flew in Saturday noon and has been having a grand time ever since. She finally settled on her Christmas present and it has been ordered so now it is up to the minions of Amazon and the Post Office to get it here on time. She spent last night with Southern Parents but couldn't wait to return to Casa Southern Man where we cooked spaghetti and sauce and French bread for dinner, which we are eating while having a Tremors marathon. Why, yes, we do have all four. Later it was popcorn and hot chocolate with whipped cream and chess and Clue with both girls and one of teen daughter's friends. What a life! And the best part is that after a mid-afternoon doctor's appointment tomorrow Southern Man has nothing on the schedule until Christmas Eve!
what happens on christmas eve for you?
Stay tuned to find out!
Did the girls realize before they left what happened? Did any of them call the cells to see if any rang on the creep who took them? When you are young you don't think to do that. Poor kid. Be sure to cancel the sim card # or you just might get an awful phone bill. If it is still in use, the phone company can tell where it is at (especially a new one)
What a bummer! Maybe Santa will give her a newer, better phone :)
He can do the same for me!
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