Southern Man

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Parallel Thinking Conference Day 0

Southern Man has arrived at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge for the parallel thinking conference. They have put us up in student apartments that have been cleaned and prepped for the upcoming semester but there are no linens. Which Southern Man expected. But there are also no towels and no toilet paper and that is a bit harsh. On the other hand, student housing is a far cry from what it was back in Southern Man's day; a quad with four private bedrooms, two bathrooms, washer and dryer, and a large common area with kitchen. In some ways it's nicer than Southern Man's apartment.

And on top of all that Southern Man's flight was late and so he had to hustle over to another building for the pre-conference meet-and-eat-and-greet, which turned out to be great fun. Our Leader is knowledgeable and entertaining and did a lot of pretty neat stuff this evening so it looks like Southern Man will learn a lot this week. Southern Man was also delighted to find an old friend was among the hosts and so he conned her into driving him to Wal-Mart for snacks and supplies after dinner.


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